Tunis Business School - TBS
- Bir El Kasâa, El Mourouj, Ben Arous , 2074 Tunis
- +216 79 40 94 09 / 79 40 94 00
- Contact@tunis-business-school.tn
Tunis Business School (TBS) at the University of Tunis was officially established on October 25th, 2010 (decree n°2755 of October 25th 2010). It is the first and only public business institution in Tunisia using English as the main language of instruction and following the US higher education academic system.
The launch of this institution is in tune with government efforts to boost the Tunisian economy, improve competitive standards, and develop off-shore activities.TBS activity spans over Education, Research, and Outreach.
Impression générale
Discipline & serieux
Qualité de l'enseignement
Activités parascolaires
Equipements & propreté